Firefighter Interview
Questions & Answers

Pass YOUR interview at the first attempt!

Here’s the FULL LIST of interview questions for the FIREFIGHTER INTERVIEW:

Q1. Why have you applied to join the Fire Service and what do you have to offer?


“Joining the Fire Service is something that I have wanted to do for many years now and I have been preparing for the selection process for some time. I believe that I would enjoy working in a community-focused service where the priority is helping other people, both through preventative work and reactive operational work.

Having researched the Fire Service extensively, I have been impressed and attracted to the shift from predominantly reactive work to prevention work in terms of Community Fire Safety. I enjoy learning new skills and keeping up to date with procedures and policies, and believe the Fire Service would be a career that I would be very much suited to.

I am a caring person who is comfortable working with people, regardless of their background, age, sexuality or gender. I keep myself physically fit and understand that this is an important aspect of the firefighter’s role. I want to become a firefighter with the Fire and Rescue Service because I believe I can make a positive difference to the team. I am enthusiastic, motivated, focused and driven and would love to work for a professional service that has such high standards.”


“The two main areas of the firefighter’s role are responding to incidents as and when they arise, and also Community Fire Safety work, which involves looking for ways to reduce incidents. I understand that the role is based around the Personal Qualities and Attributes for the firefighter. This includes a commitment to diversity and integrity and also being open to change.

The Fire Service is a continually changing and improving service and it is important that firefighters embrace this. A firefighter must have the confidence and resilience to deal with highly stressful situations and be capable of working with all people, regardless of age, sexuality, gender or background.

Because firefighters carry out so much community work, they have to be effective communicators and be capable of solving problems as and when they arise. Also, because the Fire Service is a customer-focused service, the firefighter needs to be committed to delivering an excellent service. The role also includes training and maintaining competence through the Integrated Personal Development System.

Firefighters are also constantly looking for ways to reduce the risk of fire and providing advice to the public upon request. Maintaining an operational readiness is also key to the role, making sure that all equipment is serviced and ready for use. Having the ability to work as an effective team member is essential and having a good knowledge of Health and Safety is also important.”

Interview Questions And Answers Example 01

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Now INSTANTLY download the suggested ANSWERS to the FIREFIGHTER INTERVIEW and PASS your interview!

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Firefighter Job Description 

Firefighter Job Brief:

The role of a firefighter is many and varied and you will be required to perform under extreme and intense situations and incidents such as dwelling fires, road traffic collisions and also chemical incidents. You will be required to follow your training and be able to adhere to high-level operational procedures at all times. You will also require an ability to understand and educate the public on community safety issues and help the community become safe from fire and its effects. In addition to these duties you will also be required to maintain your clothing (personal protective equipment PPE) and equipment in a high state of readiness for as and when incidents occur.

Firefighter Assessable Key Skills, Qualities & Attributes:

  • Be able to work effectively as part of a team with the other firefighters who work alongside you, both from your own fire stations and also other fire stations within your county or region.
  • Be able to conduct risk assessments and remain calm at all times whilst under pressure.
  • Follow your safety rules and procedures and be able to justify your decisions.
  • Educate the public in respect of community safety issues and also teach them how to make 999 calls in an emergency.
  • Work with and collaborate alongside other stakeholders and services who have an interest in the fire and rescue service, such as the police, ambulance service, local authority and social services.
  • Keep up-to-date with operational procedures and maintain safe working practices at all times.
  • Be prepared to be open to change and operate by following the fire service’s code of ethics in respect of diversity and equality.
  • Treat people with respect at all times and follow the firefighter qualities and attributes, demonstrating them through your daily work and routines.
  • Uphold the values, principles and ethics of Fire & Rescue Service you are employed by.

The firefighter interview questions and answers contained within this guide are unique and will help you to pass your interview with any of the UK-based fire services.


TIP #1 – During the Firefighter interview, make sure you fully understand the qualities and attributes that are relevant to the role.

TIP #2 – Give specific answers to the qualities and attributes questions that will form part of the firefighter interview.

TIP #3 – When answering the questions, make sure you utilise the STAR technique for structuring your responses. This will ensure you provide the interview panel with specific responses by following SITUATION, TASK, ACTION and RESULT. The majority of candidates will not do this, and this is one of the reasons they fail.

TIP #4 – Where possible, give examples of how you have worked in your local community. This is a great way to show the interview panel you are a caring person and that you want to make a difference to the community in which you are living.

TIP #5 – Be sure to research both the role of a firefighter and also the good work the fire service is currently doing for your chosen fire and rescue service. This is very important! Successful candidates at the firefighter interview are able to give outstanding reasons why they want to become a firefighter and also why they want to work for their chosen fire and rescue service.

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Firefighter Interview Questions and Answers Guide



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Question 1,
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Interview Question 01

Question 2,
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Interview Question 02

Question 3,
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Interview Question 03

Question 4,
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Interview Question 04

Question 5,
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Interview Question 05

Question 6,
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Interview Question 06

Question 7,
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Interview Question 07

Question 8,
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Interview Question 08

Question 9,
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Interview Question 09

Question 10,
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Interview Question 10

Question 11,
Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response

Interview Question 11

Question 12,
Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response

Interview Question 12

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Who has created the answers to the interview questions?

Richard McMunn is a former Fire Officer turned interview coach who has over 20 years experience within the recruitment industry.

He is extremely passionate about helping people pass their interviews, and his success rate is unrivalled within the interview training sector.

Richard guarantees the answers contained within this product are unique and will help you stand out from the competition.
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Expert Interview Advice and Tips from Richard McMunn

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