Behavioral Interview
Questions & Answers

Pass YOUR interview at the first attempt!


Q1. Tell me about a difficult work challenge you had to overcome?


“I was working on a time-sensitive project at work with three other team members. We were two months into the project when our manager decided she wanted us to start the project again from scratch, whilst still sticking to the same timeframe for completion. Although it was disappointing, I put myself in her shoes and tried to understand why the project needed to change. I embraced the challenge that was presented and encouraged the other team members to do the same. We created a new plan of action, taking into consideration the restricted timescale and moved forward with a positive attitude. To ensure the project completed on time, we also recruited an additional team member. The end result was that we managed to complete the project on time, to the required standard and more importantly, to the satisfaction of my manager.”


“I love working as part of a team and I can recall a recent situation when we all came together in the office to complete a difficult task. One day, the Internet went down, and we were unable to access the computers to deal with customer queries and also complete and fulfil the customer orders from the previous day. I volunteered to go home in my car to access the Internet, so I could print off the customer orders and then bring them back to the office. We could all then work together as a team to make them up and get them dispatched in time for when the postal van arrived at the end of the day. Another member of the team used his smartphone to access and answer the customer emails to make sure they didn’t get missed and our customers didn’t experience a drop in service. Despite the difficulties of the Internet going down, we all worked together as part of a team to maintain a smooth operation for our company.”

Interview Questions And Answers Example 01

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Interview Questions And Answers Example 02

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Interview Questions And Answers Example 03

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Interview Questions And Answers Example 04

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Interview Questions And Answers Example 01

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Interview Questions And Answers Example 03

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Interview Questions And Answers Example 03

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Interview Questions And Answers Example 03

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Interview Questions And Answers Example 02

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Interview Questions And Answers Example 03

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Interview Questions And Answers Example 04

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Interview Questions And Answers Example 03

Purchase the full package below for just €5.79 to download the answer to this and all of the interview questions featured on this page!

Interview Questions And Answers Example 01

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Interview Questions And Answers Example 03

Purchase the full package below for just €5.79 to download the answer to this and all of the interview questions featured on this page!

Interview Questions And Answers Example 03

Purchase the full package below for just €5.79 to download the answer to this and all of the interview questions featured on this page!

Interview Questions And Answers Example 02

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Interview Questions And Answers Example 03

Purchase the full package below for just €5.79 to download the answer to this and all of the interview questions featured on this page!

Interview Questions And Answers Example 03

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Now INSTANTLY download the suggested ANSWERS to all the BEHAVIORAL INTERVIEW QUESTIONS and PASS your interview!

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What Are Behavioral Interview Questions and How Can You Answer Them?

Behavioral interview questions are designed to assess how you have behaved or acted in the past, based on a specific competency. How you have behaved previously is a positive indication of how you might behave in the future, and therefore perform within the role you are being interviewed for. Therefore, it is important to provide the interview panel with ‘evidence’ of how you have matched the behaviour being assessed during the interview questions being posed.

Behavioral interview questions usually start with:

“Tell me about a time when you…”

“Describe a time when you…”

“Explain a situation you were in where you…”

As you can see from above, it is very important that you provide ‘EVIDENCE’ of how you match the competency, and the only way to achieve this is to use the STAR technique. This is:

SITUATION: Explain the situation you were in.

TASK: Explain the task that needed to be completed.

ACTION: Explain what action you and others took.

RESULT: Explain the outcome of yours and others actions.

Within the Behavioral Interview Questions and Answers guide, we have provided you with sample answers to a whole host of questions that are likely to come up during your interview.


TIP #1 – The most important thing to remember when preparing for any type of behavioural interview, is to concentrate on providing evidence of how you match the assessable competencies. For example, if you are asked a question centred on your ability to deliver excellent customer service, make sure you give a specific situation you were in where you actually went above and beyond what was required to provide exceptional service. Interviewees who give in-depth, specific answers will score highly during their behavioral interview.

TIP #2 – The most effective way to answer any type of behavioural interview question is to utilize the STAR technique: Situation, Task, Action and Result. We also advise that you incorporate the REFLECTION aspect at the end of STAR, to show the panel you are capable of continuous improvement upon reflection of your performance in any given situation.

TIP #3 – Behavioral type questions can be posed in many different ways. During your interview, listen out for questions that start with “Can you give an example…”, “Tell me about a situation you were in..” and also “Explain a scenario…” These are all prompts to provide a specific answer to the question based on the competencies being assessed.

TIP #4 – Believe it or not, there is actually a way you can predict the behavioral interview questions for your specific role. Simply read the job description for the role you are being interviewed for and look out for competencies such as ‘able to work under pressure’, ‘capable of delivering excellent customer service’, problem-solving and using initiate’ etc. These are all the behaviors you are going to be assessed against at your interview.

TIP #5 – Anyone who attends a bahvioral-type interview is going to have to provide ‘specific’ responses to the questions. If you provide generalized answers, that explain what you would do in a given situation, you are less likely to pass. On that basis, we strongly recommend you download a copy of our Behavioral Interview Questions and Answers guide as this will provide you with a whole list of sample questions, and more importantly, evidence-based answers.

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20 Behavioural Interview Questions and Answers Guide


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Question 1,
Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response

Interview Question 01

Question 2,
Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response

Interview Question 02

Question 3,
Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response

Interview Question 03

Question 4,
Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response

Interview Question 04

Question 5,
Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response

Interview Question 05

Question 6,
Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response

Interview Question 06

Question 7,
Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response

Interview Question 07

Question 8,
Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response

Interview Question 08

Question 9,
Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response

Interview Question 09

Question 10,
Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response

Interview Question 10

Question 11,
Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response

Interview Question 11

Question 12,
Full Suggested Answer & Detailed Response

Interview Question 12

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Interview Skills Guide and practice interview questions and answers

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5 Smart Answers to Interview Questions Slide Deck

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5 Smart Answers to Interview Questions Slide Deck – this PDF slide deck contains 5 unique answers to 5 tough behavioural interview questions, plus powerful tips you can implement right away as part of your interview strategy to boost your interview success!

DECISION-MAKING Interview Questions and Answers! How to ANSWER Competency-Based Interview Questions Guide

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DECISION-MAKING Interview Questions and Answers! Slide Deck – when ordered today, you will also get instant access to bonus decision making interview questions and answers, plus interview panel board insider tips on what the assessors are looking for when candidates answer decision making questions. Accelerate your preparation and success today!

How did you handle a difficult situation? Interview question

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How Did You Handle a Difficult Situation? Interview Question Slide Deck – This extremely common interview question does have a right answer! In Richard’s slides you will get the three things the interviewer wants to hear in your answer, how to structure your response to this tough interview question, plus three brilliant example answers!


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Who has created the answers to the interview questions?

Richard McMunn is a former Fire Officer turned interview coach who has over 20 years experience within the recruitment industry.

He is extremely passionate about helping people pass their interviews, and his success rate is unrivalled within the interview training sector.

Richard guarantees the answers contained within this product are unique and will help you stand out from the competition.
 Richard McMunn Signature

Expert Interview Advice and Tips from Richard McMunn

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This has been the GREATEST tutorial for me while preparing for my 'Behavioral' interview. I have my interview in exactly 2 weeks and these helpful tutorials are absolutely perfect for those who don't know. Thank you for sharing.

- Mike Oxon

I had my interview yesterday, and I did great! Thank you so much for this, extremely helpful!

- Marcos Fuentes

You got me a second interview thank you

- Emily Cranborn


20 Behavioural Interview Questions and Answers Guide

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